Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Top 5 Free BlackBerry Apps

The latest toys in the hands of the kids are BlackBerry smartphones, just like any other smartphone platform it has a fairly sizeable app market with a huge variety of apps. Among the thousands of paid and free apps, the most popular are the ones which have to do with Facebook, Twitter and other social networking. And honestly, what else do you need?  

The #1 app in the BlackBerry app market is the BlackBerry Messenger. One of the most addictive apps for texting addicts, there's nothing like it...until iMessage comes along.

BlackBerry Phones, with those iconic full QWERTY keyboards are best enabled for messaging apps. The next top app is another cross-platform messenger, WhatsApp which is available for all smartphone platforms.

The popular social networking site Facebook comes next, this app lets you post real-time updates from your handset and stay in touch with your e-friends.

The service that made microblogging popular is also there on the BlackBerry app world.

Flixter lets you rate the movies you last watched, discover new movies, and meet others based on your taste in movies. The app is free, and available on all the leading smartphone platforms.